e-Learning for physiotherapists
  • RAP-eL
    Rheumatoid Arthritis for Physiotherapists
  • Key features of RAP-eL
    • Clinically relevant
    • Flexible learning environment
    • Evidence informed
    • Disease-specific content
    • Practice resources
RAP-eL is for practising physiotherapists and physiotherapy students anywhere in the world who want to improve their disease knowledge and clinical practice skills to optimally manage people with rheumatoid arthritis. RAP-eL is also used by medical students.

Start the rheumatoid arthritis learning modules

Our Partners

Curtin University
Arthritis and Osteoporosis Western Australia
Government of Western Australia. Department of Health

RAP-eL is publicly supported by

Australian Physiotherapy Association
Australian Rheumatology Association
Australian Rheumatology Health Professionals Association
Arthritis Australia
Musculoskeletal Australia